Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

Entries for month: October 2018

'You gotta be kiddin 'me ---- '

October 06, 2018 ·

Summer more or less finished around the third week of September here at the eco organic micro-holding ( small smallholding ), although to be fair there's been some cracking blue sky 'Indian' summer days since ( why 'Indian'?) There's just a special quality about these late sunny days, as if somehow time's stood still ---- The woodstove's been in operation to cope with the cooler evenings, spreading its heat beyond the living room.

An autumn job has been to sweep the two chimneys, with fun and games with the one due to Jackdaw's nesting activities, entailing in the end a slightly hairy 'man-made' chimney fire. Micro-holding produce is still plentiful, although some of the orchard fruit has been on the small size, due no doubt to the lack of moisture through the hot summer. Egg supply from the 'mini flock' has been good, the hens -  Blackie, Beattie and Aggie, enjoying their various daily feeds, particularly their greens.

The latest commercial 'fracas' has been with that perennial 'on the make' car insurance renewal, with the usual swingeing increase in premium being sent through, plus extra payments due unjustifably if the insurance costs are paid monthly. Thus firm got kicked into touch on the basis that it's better to deal with firms who show a level of customer respect.

One of the issues may be the level of power such firms, being large compared with the 'miniscule' single customer, feel they can employ, along with current seemingly common 'might is right', 'big is best' mindsets. How could the 'small' unit, the customer, possibly know for instance, better than the large outfit -?  History, though, suggests that the 'big' don't always win out in the end , as the large financial concerns busy paying out millions in compensation to mistreated customers have discovered to their cost ----



Tags: Free Range Living · Eco-holding husbandries